Sunday 5 August 2007

Starting a Support Group for Those who LOVE BGV

Today is a big day for BGV. There is an owner's meeting organised by the Protem Sale Committee (PSC) and CB Richard Ellis. I urge everyone to attend it, even if you are against the sale. This is not to show that people are interested (a common misconception.. just because I attend means I want to know more about selling my home meh?), but to gather information about what certain self-interested parties are trying to do to our precious homes.

Date: 5 Aug 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Singapore Botanic Garden, Function Hall

It'll also be a chance for those of us who wish to remain staying in BGV to be known to one another.

I propose that we set up a Say No to En-Bloc support group, or SNEG for short.

Why need this? Simply put - knowledge is power and in any enbloc exercise, the people who hold the knowledge of what goes on is the PSC and their agent. Owners who object, who do not wish to sell, who do not believe in selling for various reasons, are usually left on their own or worse, left in the dark. A support group will allow those of us who wish to keep BGV to become a group to offer support, solidarity and a strong communication channel among like-minded people. Just like the PSC is a group of like-minded owners, a SNEB group is like-minded as well, but with the wish to keep BGV as their home.

At the Owners' Meeting, flyers will be distributed to anyone who wish to join the group. Or one of us may approach you.

But only if you speak up about your opinion about the whole enbloc thing! So please don't be afraid to express your views. After all, if nothing is done, we might find our home rapidly sold off, and the conveniences that we take for granted (like taking an easy walk to Botanic Gardens where the Function Hall is!) will be forever gone.

Even if you couldn't make it for the meeting, please do email us to show your support:


Anonymous said...

After attending the session, I am sure you have all the answers. The meeting was professionally conducted and both the consultants were there to clarify points raised by the audience. This shows great transparency . I have full confidence in this team and that it will be able to get the best possible price for the enbloc of BGV.

Anonymous said...

Agreed - very professionally conducted and all my questions answered. Whether you want to sell or not, you have to admit that the committee has chosen a very good agent and a great law firm. Add the fantastic reserve price and all the puzzle pieces fit - I for one signed on the spot.

Anonymous said...

I thought only the protem sale committee signed on the spot?

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to do with the protem committee and I signed, as did quite a few other people who were not seated at the front table for the presentations

Anonymous said...

I was there. While it was professionally conducted, there were plenty of questions that were not answered satisfactorily. At the very least, I expect all responses to the very relevant questions raised here to be formally addressed in a letter to all SPs.

For even greater transparency, I'd suggest all protem sale committee meetings be minuted and sent to everybody.

And please send out all the slides to everybody as promised.

Anonymous said...

Tape every meeting.
Keep every scrap of paper they send.
Professional 'feel' can be deceiving.
The professionals are not there for your interests, they are there to make a killing for themsleves. Your interests are always secondary, no matter how professional they sound and sincere in their false promises.
Remember faith can be blind and
Trust can be misplaced.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. There is a way to preent an enbloc to happen is to raise the price to a hugh level that developer bidding it will have to pay hughly for it.

For example you can set your enbloc price at, let say, 7000 psf. That means if your flat is 1000 sq ft, the enbloc price on your flat will be $7m.

With 7 m, you can buy 3 units at elsewhere at $2000 psf.